Pitkin County solar farm no panacea, but a good start

Thank you, Pitkin Board of County Commissioners, for unanimously voting in a 5-megawatt solar farm just south of Woody Creek, two months after declaring a climate state of emergency. Rather than an eyesore, I see this as a promise to our future, and a sign of hope. People want solutions, which translates to “consumers want options.”

In 2018, 72% of Holy Cross customers said they wanted to be provided with at least 50% renewable energy. The relationship between public and private sector here is a leading example of how government, member-owned utility companies, and renewable companies like RES, can work together to provide people with what they want and offset costs.

We are now one step closer. No, this does not solve all our problems, and we shouldn’t believe there is one pill to do so. Facing climate change will take many approaches and forms. We are being called to change and adapt our habits; it’s time we change what we have considered as “normal” for the past century of industrialization.

Natalie Rae Fuller


via:: The Aspen Times