Police continue to chase leads to find jewelry thieves

Aspen police continue to chase leads in their pursuit to find three male suspects who allegedly stole around $800,000 worth of jewelry in the Little Nell Hotel on Friday.

Aspen Police officer Kirk Wheatley said four officers were on the case Saturday, trying to track down the vehicle the suspects left in after they broke into a display case containing diamond and gold jewelry.

The suspects, all white males with facial hair wearing stocking caps and puffy coats, popped the lock on a case that Piranesi Jewelry has rented in The Little Nell for 20 years.

Wheatley said it’s difficult to follow a vehicle of individuals who use fake identification or stolen credit cards, which is likely the case with the suspects that APD is searching for have rented it.

He added that it’s probable the suspects have left town, and police are working with outside car-rental companies to find them.

An employee who works in The Little Nell had reported to police that the suspects left in a white SUV but that lead died quickly when it was realized that the vehicle belonged to a limousine company.

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Wheatley was reluctant to provide additional details on the leads that have emerged since the three men made off with the jewelry at around 1 p.m. on Friday because it could jeopardize the investigation.

Piranesi has a retail store on Cooper Avenue and has an overnight security guard.


via:: The Aspen Times