Post office in Aspen, Snowmass woes start in D.C.

Recent letters have unfairly blamed the local post office for struggling to keep up with increased service levels in Snowmass Village. There are several factors.

The population of Snowmass Village is increasing. The post office space has not. The change of correspondence from first-class mail to emails and texts has hurt revenue.

The U.S. Postal Service has found more revenue in taking on more parcel deliveries. However, this requires more space in the offices and the delivery trucks. USPS is now the leading delivery service for small parcels.

Most importantly, one of our political parties opposes government operation of the postal system. They passed into law the 2006 Postal Act. This act forces the USPS to prefund their pension plan years in advance. At the time, the USPS was operating in the black. The intent has been to have fees cover expenses. Making $5 billion-a-year payments was over and above revenue. The USPS was forced into making deep cuts in its expenses to find the cash for payments. These cuts adversely affect postal facilities, transportation and manpower. The service has to do more with less.

Congress has put constraints on the USPS postal fees.

One political party is anti-union and the employees of the USPS have a very good union that has bargained for good benefits.

The constitution authorized the postal service. The Founding Fathers knew it was a critical function that would be a key to prosperity in a new country.

The people to complain to about the problems facing the USPS are Rep. Scott Tipton, and Sens. Mike Bennet and Cory Gardner. The hands of local managers are tied.

Patrick Hunter


via:: The Aspen Times