Proud to lead Aspen into the future

I am honored to be your new representative on City Council.

2A team, the highest voter turnout in Aspen history. A 21 percent increase. You should be proud.

Rachel Richards, I look forward to serving with you and learning from you.

To the 1,433 voters who supported our campaign, I can’t wait to start implementing your vision. To those who did not, I welcome the opportunity to earn your support.

To the team who stood behind me, you made this win possible and you continue to inform, inspire and teach me. You are the longtime locals who helped me stay true to our history; the luminaries who kept us progressive and inclusive, the artists and experts who gave this effort shape, the operators who kept the wheels on and my rocks who grounded and educated me. I will not let you down.

I ran to do big things and to insist and ensure our better days are ahead of us. Housing is No. 1: we will house those that built this community and 60 percent of our workforce. We will aim to be the first city with 100 percent voter participation. We will remake our public engagement process, empowering us to accomplish our goals. We will invigorate our downtown core with affordable business and once again lead the world with scalable solutions to our climate crisis.

Throughout, I will strive to be honest, accessible and learning. I will remain eager to listen to anyone regardless of income, occupation, years in town, or whom you voted for. I will strive to remain hopeful, positive and grounded in Aspen’s history.

Mostly, I promise to give my all to the five-generation pledge that began this campaign: To leave Aspen better for our grandkids than our grandparents left it for us.

Thank you, Aspen. Onward.

Skippy Mesirow


via:: The Aspen Times