Ready to serve on Holy Cross board

Your Holy Cross Energy ballot was mailed this week — don’t toss it!

I am Larissa Read, one of the candidates for the board of directors, and I’d like to introduce myself and how I will serve you. Holy Cross has made great strides towards a clean energy economy, balancing our needs for resilient infrastructure and growth with a firm commitment to reducing our reliance on coal and therefore reducing greenhouse gas emissions. I will continue this critical approach by lending my expertise in climate change planning and community decision-making to Holy Cross Energy.

With your vote, I will continue Holy Cross Energy’s path to renewable energy, which is showing cost savings. I will pursue improved availability of broadband service to remote locations, and I will support electric vehicles as a low-cost, environmentally friendly transportation option.

Service to my community is one of my strongest values and commitments. I recently co-facilitated the climate action plans for both Eagle County and the city of Aspen, and I led the stakeholder engagement process for the challenging Maroon Creek/Castle Creek water rights conversations. I have served as the board president of the Eagle River Watershed Council for the past two-plus years.

I have two decades of experience helping groups make decisions that balance financial responsibility — the expenditure of public dollars — with the need to protect natural resources. I guide challenging conversations so that visitors and residents can experience the beauty of the natural world without compromising their ability for their children to do the same. Sound familiar? Ranching, skiing and fishing here in the central mountains won’t continue unless we act locally and set an example at the state and national level for climate action.

Don’t toss that ballot! Vote Larissa Read for Holy Cross Energy board of directors.

Larissa Read


via:: The Aspen Times