Renters and other revelations

After buying our dream home, my husband and I decided to rent it out for ski season. For him, this would offset costs of ownership. I, on the other hand, had visions of sharing my home with a family, who would fill it with hugs, laughter and the aroma of cocoa.

Little did we know, we were about to get an education, which would obliterate naivete. Our renters, a family, asked if they could come in a little early to bring their ski equipment. We graciously extended the time at both ends of the lease for two weeks for only a nominal charge.

When they left in April, we learned that their belongings and rental car remained on the property. As for the interior, in lieu of hugs, laughter, and the lingering aroma of cocoa, various items were missing and broken. They also moved furniture and stuffed lamps into closets. Over the winter, they transformed our garage into a ski turning facility for themselves, their friends, and others, which left the floor almost as slippery as a skating rink. We are fortunate to have such caring property managers, who miraculously put Humpty Dumpty back together again.

When our realtor sought to tap into our renter’s security deposit for compensation, the family patriarch, becoming irate, threatened to send letters about us to local papers. Presently, I am writing my second book on Fyodor Dostoevsky and one of my favorite characters in “The Brother Karamazov” urges us to live a life of “active love,” one in which each of is “responsible for everyone and everything.” While lamentably there is not much of that in today’s world, I still adhere to the view that Aspen resonates with “active love” more than any other place.

Dr. Amy D. Ronner

Aspen and Miami

via:: The Aspen Times