Richards is ready for Aspen City Council

I am writing to encourage voter support for Rachel Richards for election to Aspen City Council. Rachel will bring experience and a background of positive involvement to City Council, along with the perspective gained as a Pitkin County commissioner over the past years.

She knows about the challenges facing Aspen and the greater area, and she has ideas on solutions. She is active in a variety of local committees and boards, and she has been involved. She knows the big issues facing Aspen, like airport and air-service planning, workforce housing, health care and insurance, Lift 1A development and transportation issues.

Because of her background in city government in the past, and more recently her years as a local county commissioner, City Council will benefit from the outlook and experience that Rachel brings to the council table. Her perspective will be a refreshing addition to the council’s deliberations. In this time of major change in city of Aspen management and pursuits, Rachel can provide a steady and informed point of view. Vote for Rachel Richards for City Council. She is ready to contribute and to do the job.

Warren Klug


via:: The Aspen Times