Robber barons raid Basalt voters

The organized crime syndicate friendly council will have spent a total of $4,090 tax dollars per voter when the smoke clears on the River Park/Roaring Fork Development Corp. parcel. All this value goes to the one developer endorsed and recommended by Aspen Ski Co. vice president and council member Auden Schendler to build luxury town homes.

Here is the math — $7.5 million already spent to fix the Fork and tax money invested directly in the RFCDC parcel, plus another $1.5 million to be paid to the Belinski group equals $9 million. Divide that by the 2,200 ballots mailed out in 2018 election — $4,090. Sleep well, Basalt — Auden and his team are watching out for you.

Mark Kwiecienski


via:: The Aspen Times