Skippy’s positives are immeasurable

I found it very difficult to fit everything positive I could say about Skippy Mesirow into 250 words as all of his admirable qualities are so numerous. Most of what I want to say about Skippy can be summed up by focusing on his exceptional passion for his work and dedication to the people in his life. In the time that I have known Skippy (about two years), I have come to know him as a man who would go to the ends of the Earth for his friends, sacrifice any amount of his time for people seeking his help and work tirelessly to ensure that his work (whatever it might be) is done to the absolute best of his abilities.

As a soon-to-be graduate, I have nothing but undying gratitude for Skippy and all that he has done to help me in my attempt to figure out a post-grad life. Never once has he even slightly hesitated to go out of his way to introduce me to people in fields that I have an interest in, speak highly on my behalf to potential mentors and make it perfectly clear that he is always available for any help I may need. It is abundantly clear to me how deep his love for the city of Aspen and all its residents go, and I wholeheartedly believe that his truly exceptional ability to serve the people in his personal life would entirely translate if he was elected to Aspen City Council.

Sam Roll

Fort Collins

via:: The Aspen Times