Snow, wet weather permeating pothole problem

The city of Aspen is working diligently with the Colorado Department of Transportation to temporarily patch the large pothole at the roundabout until a permanent fix can be made in the spring, according to a news release.

City crews are currently out three or four times a day repairing the pothole but because of the weather, the cold patch material being used doesn’t last more than a few hours, Tyler Christoff, the city’s deputy director of utilities, told Aspen City Council on Monday.

The road conditions at the roundabout, which forces traffic into one lane, was a topic of conversation during the public comment portion of the meeting.

City Engineer Trish Aragon said CDOT is waiting for asphalt to be available, which won’t be until next month.

“I just had a conversation today with CDOT,” she said Monday. “They are trying.”

“We really are limited in what we can do,” she added.

Aragon told council that they are looking at an alternative material to see if that works better.

Once a hot asphalt treatment becomes available in April, the city will work with CDOT to apply this fix, which will be more successful long-term, according to the release.

CDOT, the jurisdiction ultimately responsible for this stretch of Highway 82, also will bring in equipment this spring and summer to mill and overlay the roundabout.

via:: The Aspen Times