“Snowmass housing faculty is asked to waive guidelines” reported The Aspen Times on May 1, 1986. “The sale of employee housing units on the free market was a topic of discussion at a meeting of the Snowmass Village Housing Authority. The owner of a country Club Townhome this week appeared before the Snowmass Village Housing Authority to explain why he felt the board should waive the PMH (permanently moderated housing) guidelines on his 3-bedroom, 21/2 bath condominium. … The couple first purchased the unit in 1981, during a period of escalated interest rates. They accepted an adjustable rate mortgage financing program, called ‘Sundial’ mortgages. The Sundial plan, which was set up through the Housing Authority, featured balloon payments and five-year interest deferments. … The PMH guidelines for the properties in question have not in the past been waived. There are a total of 12 employee units in the Country Club Townhomes. … It was resolved that the council will look into alternative and ‘creative’ means of financing and refinancing, and will settle the Lerch matter at a later date.”