Snowmass history: Miss Kitty crowd control

“Miss Kitty captivates the crowd,” the Snowmass Villager reported Dec. 24, 1968. “In the Aretha Franklin genre she wraps up a song with that warmth and soul that tingles nerve ends. She moves her hands subtly and sensuously and, in minutes, has the audience eating out of them. Kitty Doswell says she has been singing since she was 18 months old. While growing up in Houston she sang in church and school. At the beginning of this decade she moved to Los Angeles and threw her vocal hat in the teeming and highly competitive entertainment ring. … She has talent and versatility and she is well aware that ‘overnight success’ usually comes after years of hard work. The work is something she is not afraid of and can’t understand singers who don’t bother to learn more than a handful of songs. She has 75 tunes she ‘can do off the top of my head.’ She tentatively plans her set before she goes on but says that after the first song, ‘everything is subject to change — depending on me and the crowd.’ The reception to Kitty and the Bags Costello Trio here at the Twig has been overwhelmingly favorable, both among residents and skiers and the group has already been asked to return next winter.”

via:: The Aspen Times