Snowmass history: Town on hold when circus rolled through

Photograph of a parade for the Gentry Dog and Pony Show on Cooper Avenue just east of Galena Street on Aug. 19, 1898.
Aspen Historical Society

The Aspen Daily Times, June 6, 1901, reported, “After careful consideration the school board has concluded to give the school children a holiday on Friday the 7th, the day the circus comes to town. Past experience has prompted the board to take this action; not more than ten scholars to each school can be safely counted on when the big tents loom up. The old folks can now make plans to go to the circus. ‘Just to take the children to see the elephant, you know.’” The next day with school canceled even for those at the Brush Creek School (aka the Little Red School House) it was followed up in the Aspen Tribune with “Tom Burke and family came in from Brush Creek to see the circus.” To see an elephant was quite the draw!

Editor’s note: This page continues to be a partnership of the Snowmass Sun and the Aspen Historical Society. If you have pieces of Snowmass history to donate, email

via:: The Aspen Times