Snowmass is disconnected by design

Remember the old Aspen Skiing Co. slogan: Uncrowded by Design? Well, this season Snowmass should have the “Disconnected by Design” mantra as there is virtually zero cellphone service anywhere on the mountain. The Elk Camp Meadows area, Sam’s Knob Restaurant, as well as other parts of the mountain are literally dead zones.

What makes this dangerous is that the ski patrol emergency phone boxes no longer contain phones. When you open the box to call patrol to report an accident, it just asks you to call a number. When there is virtually no cell reception on the mountain, this becomes an extreme hazard.

Why doesn’t Skico spend some of that $9 million (that is going into Pandoras expansion) on a few cellphone towers for Snowmass? This would certainly keep everyone safer.

Emily Croce


via:: The Aspen Times