Suit filed over alpine coaster collision in Snowmass

Two Floridians filed a lawsuit Friday in Pitkin County District Court alleging the negligence of two California residents caused them injuries on the Breathtaker Alpine Coaster in Snowmass.

Plaintiffs Floy Yvonne Ribar and Kelly Allison claim they were both hurt after a coaster car driven by a girl under the age of 16 slammed them from behind. The girl, a defendant, was joined by passenger Jill Schlenker, also a defendant, according to the suit.

The collision, alleged to have happened April 14, came near the end of the coaster ride as Ribar and Allison’ car had come to a stop, says the suit, which was filed in Pitkin County District Court.

As the two plaintiffs were about to disembark, the other car rammed their car from behind, the suit says.

Coaster rules require cars to stop in a designated area at the end of the track, and they also prohibit those under the age of 16 from driving a car with a passenger, according to the suit.

The suit does not specify the extent of the injuries, other than saying Ribar and Allison “have suffered and will continue to suffer a loss of ability to enjoy life as they were able to enjoy life before the collision,” adding they underwent medical treatment and physical therapy for their injuries.

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Each defendant faces civil negligence claims.

Edwards, Colorado, attorney Brett Heckman, who filed the complaint, could not be reached Monday.

The Breathtaker coaster is owned and operated by Aspen Skiing Co., and is located next to the Elk Camp restaurant. It opened in December 2017.

via:: The Aspen Times