The difference between winners and losers

I count myself among the hundreds of thousands, or perhaps millions, of breadwinners, including my father and his many D-Day Veterans, who spent two to three hours commuting to Manhattan five days a week, so that we could raise our families in Connecticut.

Some entitled Aspen voter gimme-more is calling me a d-bag for sharing this heartfelt and hard-won experience with our community. I object to this jerk’s criticism and I wish to turn the tables against similar ingrates.

Now that Mayor Steve Skadron’s burnt toast, praise be to God for that, let’s demand our new Aspen leaders to start dealing with these entitled losers as losers. And let’s treat our champions as champions. We citizens must demand that our leaders stop pandering to the thumb-sucking crowd who complain about their rent and who don’t have the stomach to earn a hard dollar, to pay taxes on their hard earned dollar, and to commute.

Millions of us have done it before the lazy people took over Aspen’s electorate. Maybe if our leaders can persuade Aspen voters to stop drinking beer and smoking pot, we might actually bring about positive change. And maybe use our D-Day forefathers, who were of course almost all youngsters, who either died or defied death in their defence of liberty, as our role models.

So I ask, have you won an athletic national championship, like I and many more like me have won? Have you heard the chant of “USA, USA” in the final minutes of winning a gold medal?

Earn an honors degree from Harvard, like I and many more like me did. Then, meet me in front of the fountain in Aspen with a reporter recording your discord and see how you show up on TV. I dare you. And I assure you, you’ll be humiliated.

To put it plainly, you’ll get smoked. And just for a test-prep, I’d suggest, what can you say about Shakespeare’s influence in current English literature, like the Harry Potter series? Or how can you expound on Beethoven’s use of the Circle of Fifths in the Beatles top hits? My bottom line is this – never doubt the intelligence of an educated conservative.

John Hornblower

Snowmass Village

via:: The Aspen Times