The lights are out at Aspen City Hall

Just wondering if people can think out of the box anymore?

Visualize this: Aspen City Manager calls up the Colorado Department of Transportation and asks, “Hey guys, if we got Excel Energy to put a couple of power poles up at the Aspen Business Center/Highway 82 intersection, do think y’all could hang traffic lights from them on a cable like you see at about a million other intersections worldwide?”

Since it was an Aspen dump truck that took the light down, one would think that Aspen could be a little more proactive in finding a remedy to the situation rather than sit and wait for CDOT to get a replacement pole, which could take over a year. It’s not rocket science to come up with a better long-term temporary solution than we currently have.

Perhaps local government should spend a week or so in a post-hurricane community next storm season for a lesson in getting traffic lights up and running. This isn’t Puerto Rico.

(For the record, I was boots-on-the-ground with FEMA for Harvey and Irma.)

Marco Diaz


via:: The Aspen Times