The problem with Front Rangers

Regarding the article in the June 5 Aspen Times about the ski traffic congestion, I drive this corridor frequently during the seasons and have seen Los Angeles-type traffic jams many times.

I have had it take three to four hours just to get to Vail. Sometimes in winter, more than that. On some Sundays in winter, the traffic will back up from Denver to Copper Mountain. On Fridays, the Denver dweebs exit Interstate 70 at Silver Plume and take US 6 to Georgetown, clogging I-70 as they try to get back on.

The real problem is the developers on the Front Range with the incessant lot line to lot line subdivisions. Thus, the people buying this real estate are coming from some place they are creating in the Denver Met area. It’s time to turn the traffic jam around and send all these developers and the “house flippers” they bring to Colorado back to where ever they came from. The quality of life in Western Colorado has decreased due to the Front Range SUVers. And they insist that everyone should be just like them. Leave your personal waste at your campsite, chop down the nearest trees, leave your dogs’ green bag by the side of the road, and park anywhere — even if it does block traffic. Hey, Front Rangers, I know a great place in Indiana you can visit. Take the bus.

Jim Wingers


via:: The Aspen Times