This is Skippy’s show

Get out of the way.

It’s voting time in the old mining town, again. While I cannot cast, I have been a resident of Aspen and the greater Aspen area since 1980. I have also been a very active community member by engaging in the political process on dozens upon dozens of local and regional elections. Except this one.

I have been a personal friend and professional alliance of Skippy Mesirow since 2014. Someone recently penned that Skippy is an acquired taste. No statement could be more accurate. I was an intimate member of Skippy’s initial campaign to serve our community two years ago. It was an unforgettable ride. A ton of heavy lifting was accomplished and a lot was learned. But the end result was short of the ultimate goal. Most would probably rethink entering the public arena after such an outcome, but not Skippy. He rolled up his sleeves and kept on keeping on. He chairs the Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission and even increased his already overactive community involvement by intently focusing on important initiatives that can, and will, make Aspen a better place to call home. For all.

I was humbled and honored when Skippy reached out and asked me to be a member of his “Collective” for his current run to serve. I told him that my plate was overflowing and I needed to stay focused on my tasks at hand and declined to engage. I lied. My real reason for staying on the sidelines was to get out of Skippy’s way. Let him spread his wings. Harness his energy, enthusiasm, intellect and tell his story, his way. Mission accomplished.

My father always told me that the decisions I will say no to will prove to be more important than the ones I say “yes” to. It wasn’t easy to say “no” on this one. But it was the right thing to do. For Skippy. Now get out there and vote.

R.J. Gallagher Jr.

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via:: The Aspen Times