Tidying Up your ski pack

The key to enjoying a long day on the hill is to come prepared. Snacks — of the adult or regular kind — are crucial; even the newest adamantium iPhone is susceptible to dying in cold temperatures and an extra neck gaiter is a must if the Colorado weather takes its predictably unpredictable turn.

However, like Marie Kondo, if you pick up an item while packing for the day and feel nothing for it, it’s better to leave it and not weigh yourself down. If you have two Gatorades, you don’t need water. If you have one beer, you need at least two more. Prioritizing your supplies is important because overpacking forces you to take your bag on and off in order to navigate the chairlift.

A portable cellphone charger and the requisite cords — be it iPhone, other or both — is a must. A lot of restaurants and bars on the mountain have charging stations but how can you charge outside if you’re waiting for something to charge inside?

Also, a box of breakfast bars is cheaper than anything you’re going to buy at an on-mountain locale. If you’re lucky, and somewhat shameless, grabbing as many free granola bars/turkey jerkey samples as possible at the base of the gondola is another money-saving alternative.

Lastly, fumbling with a grinder and rolling papers while snow melts off of you is more hassle than is necessary. Grab that pen, make sure it’s charged and in a warm pocket so you can enjoy your stop at the Hunter S. Thompson shrine with ease.

via:: The Aspen Times