Torre is our champion for affordable housing

Tears flowed, voices cracked and passion was in the air the night our largest affordable-housing project was decided. I know because my voice cracked and my passion was on fire while I spoke in support of this needed housing. Were you at the meeting Burlingame was finally approved? After about an eight-year battle, Torre cast the deciding vote offering homes and hope for hundreds of our fellow locals.

Remember when Aspen decided to ban the single use plastic bag? Aspen set the bar for the rest of the country helping create consciousness about using single use plastics, a major source of pollution world wide. Torre spearheaded the initiative to ban the single use plastic grocery bag. Torre has always had a strong focus on caring for our environment. To many of us, the environment is the goose that lays the golden eggs and should be considered first, not just an afterthought.

Remember the oversized under housed Lift One corridor project and how it passed by a mere 26 votes? The developers’ $300K marketing campaign, enlisting celebrities and even former Aspen mayors proved effective. Torre recognizes this project isn’t respectful of our core values, in terms of caring for our environment and housing workers appropriately. There will be additional traffic, pollution and a significant long-term carbon footprint. Only 30 percent of Lift One and Gorsuch Haus’ employees will be housed, further challenging our affordable-housing program and anyone hopeful for housing. Torre is clearly our best watch dog for this massive project moving forward.

We need Torre now more than ever to return the focus on caring for our people and our environment, our community’s core values. They should be our top priorities, accordingly. Vote Torre and drop off your ballot by April 2.

Erik Skarvan


via:: The Aspen Times