Torre will make a great mayor

I am writing to express my support for Torre to be Aspen’s next mayor. Torre values Aspen’s community fabric, he is an advocate for the environment, a supporter of affordable housing and is not afraid to make development responsible for the impacts it creates. He has experience in elected office, serving two terms on Aspen City Council, and has the background on myriad issues that have faced our community over his many years of public service.

Torre understands the importance of reining in the city’s burgeoning bureaucracy and the skyrocketing city budget. He also understands the importance of communicating both council and community goals to a new City Manager. He is supportive of creative and sustainable transit solutions. He supports the importance of community values over rampant and uncontrolled development that so often sway our elected officials and staff.

I encourage Aspen voters to support Torre for mayor of Aspen!

Lisa Markalunas


via:: The Aspen Times