Turning the tables on Aspen councilman

Aspen Councilman Ward Hauenstein, I saw your letter to the editor and could not help myself in commenting (“Trump apt to wag the dog,” June 30, aspentimes.com). Here is how I would have written my letter to the editor.

City’s asset management apt to wag the dog

Beware of a manufactured meeting space crisis created by the city of Aspen’s Asset Management Department during the discussions about new city offices. Crafted language tricks to create a sense of scarcity are being used. Empty meeting rooms currently and historically available almost any time are being called “booked six months out” in documents published to City Council.

It is a lot easier to correct a building plan prior to making changes once a foundation has been poured.

Our community values are at risk. If you and your fellow council members continue with this mistake, Aspen will wear a black eye into 2050. A fabrication of need creates an unstable foundation. Beware. Be vigilant. Be warned.

Amos Underwood


via:: The Aspen Times