Tweet All About It: Getting around

Each week, we pick out our favorite and not-so-favorite tweets (at least those that are printable) about Aspen and display them on Sunday’s page A2.

• “So my trip to Aspen has been destroyed due to flights cancelled. Where would you go last minute? Must be East or South.” — @clownatlaw

• “Robert Frost’s poem, ‘The Road Not Taken,’ served as inspiration for me and my husband to uproot our family from New Jersey to #Aspen, Colorado.” — @lorigurtman

• “I guess I should not be surprised there are three emotional support dogs on this flight to Aspen.” — @pwolfe22

• “Just saw a Chrysler Aspen wtf who imported that into the uk” — @oldfordfocus

• “Made the final round and was one of the two reps for the eighth grade. Got the word Aspen. Thought they were trying to trick me so I spelled Aspin. First word. I could hear the crowd moan when i Said ‘I’” — @nicholasmuhl

• “Yay, #winter!!! Keep it comin! No better place to enjoy spring #skiing than #Aspen.” — @mike_jahn

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via:: The Aspen Times