Tweet All About It: You can call me Aspen

Each week, we pick out our favorite and not-so-favorite tweets (at least those that are printable) about Aspen and display them on Sunday’s page A2.

• “These white parents next to me named their kid Aspen. Not a bad name, I’m definitely inspired. Mt. Everest Harjo has a nice ring to it” — @hobbyrarjo

• “Loathed him since 1989 when he brought Marla to Aspen for Xmas when his wife & kids were already here. Humiliated the mother of his children in front of International press. Just a lying, cheating, draft dodging coward. #London #TrumpsAnInternationalDisgrace” — @DaliDager

• “We’re counting down the days ‘til a smoky Saturday! Join us for our Heritage Fire culinary experiences this summer. Mark your calender for our FOUR stops: Aspen-Snomass on 6/15 Napa Valley on 7/27 Acreage Farms on 8/11 Newport, RI on 8/24” — @COCHON555

• “How much do low taxes on #capital class lend to inflated #property values on über-expensive real estate (Hamptons, Aspen, etc.)? Would the super-rich have any less in material form with sharp taxes? The land such homes sit on wouldn’t disappear nor change owners. #supplyanddemand” — @BildstenOstlund

• “I’m pleased to announce that I’ll be participating in this summer’s Aspen Ideas Festival @aspenideas on the topic of Extremism. If you’re attending the Festival, drop by and say hi!” — @jjmacnab

• “In another 3+ long hours, I wrote 2004 words in Dead Heat’s chapter 13 for #amwriting and #postcampnano2019. Chapter 14 starts tomorrow as the blizzard is vastly approaching Aspen.” — @Kristen_Howe

The Aspen Times can be found on Twitter, as well. Simply type “TheAspenTimes” (no spaces) into the search bar, and get daily updates on what’s happening in the Roaring Fork Valley.

via:: The Aspen Times