We’re Open: Rachel Glass Wellness

Rachel Glass is providing traditional therapy and goal solution coaching via secure video sessions.
Courtesy photo

Business name: Rachel Glass Wellness

Location: Offices in Aspen and Basalt

Phone: 970-987-8516

Web: https://rlglasswellness.com

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Aspen Times: How have you gotten creative during this time? What have you done to keep your customers engaged?

Rachel Glass: I am offering my clients video and phone sessions. I also have an app that keeps me connected with my clients. The app includes helpful exercises like meditations and progress tracking. They can also message me 24 hours a day with the app. I answer back within one day. Best of all, you can receive reminders to complete exercises. That helps my clients keep a schedule. I think most of us are struggling to keep a schedule on top of everything else right now.

AT: What’s the most important thing the community can do to support you?

RG: Actually, it’s my job to support the community. According to the state of Colorado, I am an essential worker. (According to the prime minister of New Zealand, so are the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy — so I am in good company).

AT: Where can we find your most current offerings and updates?

RG: On my website http://www.rlglasswellness.com or by calling me at 970-987-8516.

AT: What has been the best customer experience or comment you’ve had since the crisis started?

RG: A lot of people who are not used to so much free time and quiet are having emotions and thoughts surface that they have been avoiding. Downtime will do that. I think the best comment was basically someone saying they didn’t think their issues were such a big deal until they did some work on them. Now they feel the relief of not having something negative dwelling in the back of their mind anymore, and it’s a big load off.

AT: Is there anything else you’d like to add regarding your business during the pandemic?

RG: Now is a great time to deal with issues you have been meaning to work on. I do not work with those in crisis. I do wellness work. I help people improve their relationships, moods, stress management and productivity. I have always given teachers a discount, but I am now offering discounts to health care workers, and anyone in the service industry, too.

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via:: The Aspen Times