What’s In Your … Stocking?

Christmas is upon us, so we’re taking a peek inside Santa’s stocking stuffer-supply. And while St. Nick brings different goodies to different boys and girls (and grown-ups, too), here are a few items that seem to be standard in many people’s homes on Christmas morning.

GET COMFY: There’s nothing better than snuggling up on Christmas Day in brand-new jammies and cozy socks.

GET LUCKY: Could there be a better holiday gift than winning the lottery? Hopefully Santa’s sleigh will deliver you the golden ticket this year.

GET CREATIVE: New year ahead, new journal to document how it unfolds. Make it more fun with doodles, mementos and more.

GET TECHNICAL: It seems you can never have enough tech gadgets; headphones, phone chargers, phone covers are always welcome.

GET SWEET: Candy — especially giant candy bars — are a must. But you have to share …

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NAUGHTY LIST: Yup, sometimes you don’t make Santa’s nice list. And yes, the big guy will leave you a lump of coal. Consider yourself warned.

via:: The Aspen Times