Where’s my one-day pin for coming back?

When I was a very young student at Aspen Elementary school I remember being forced to go skiing. I remember a really cold day when it was overcast and you could not see 20 feet in front of you. I thought, “Why are we even out here today? This is torture.”

Then I moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico, where the skiing culture was much more relaxed. The last time I went skiing was in 1996 in Taos. Had a great time but pretty much dropped out after that. Did not keep up with ski technology or any of it.

Fast forward to 2015 when I moved back here. I still did not partake. Did not miss it at all — that is, until the last day of this season.

I went to Snowmass and had the best day ever! Everyone was at the bar or trying to make it across a pond. The slopes were empty and the snow was perfect for me.

So take that, Roger Marolt, and take that, Lo Semple, with your 100-day pins. I definitely deserve a one-day pin after all that. Plus, I feel like I am hooked and next season will be huge.

Mike Knudson


via:: The Aspen Times