Why give Karl Rove a platform at Aspen Ideas?

Nobody yelled, “F-you” at Karl Rove while walking in Aspen in 2008 as he told the Ideas audience last week. They actually yelled, “Go home!” Slight difference, but I get his point: Liberals are abusive and intolerant.

The Aspen Institute should be ashamed for giving Karl Rove, or anyone from either party who parade as “political strategists,” a platform and credibility. He is the best of the dirty-tricks hit-men whose job it is to win elections at any cost. Gerrymandering, lying about John Kerry’s war record and blaming liberals and environmentalists for everything are just a few of his tricks.

Karl Rove and David Azerrad both insulted the audience? This is what the Aspen Institute thinks is appropriate? Bringing respectable conservative speakers is fine, but our country needs leadership and healing for us all. Don’t feed us Rove, Azerrad and their 20-year-old sham narrative about liberals. (And don’t get me started on Chris Christie, that cheeseburger.)

Jim Paussa

Snowmass Village

via:: The Aspen Times