Winning the lottery on Owl Creek Road

One b/w photograph of Owl Creek Road, 1968. Stapleton Ranch in background on the left?
Joan Lane

“Owl Creek lots will enter lottery” headlined the May 25, 1989 Aspen Times going on to say “four exclusive homesites to be sold at $20,000 price ceiling. A flood of calls to the Housing Office this week is indicative of the heightened interest in four single-family lots in the East Owl Creek subdivision that will be sold by lottery to qualified resident employees. These lots are part of a high-end subdivision on Owl Creek offered by the East owl Creek Corporation, headed by Snowmass developer Doug McPherson… ‘I’ve lived here for 20 years and recognize that employee housing is a problem,’ said McPherson, who explained that he and his three partners favored providing land rather than cash to the county housing authority, an option for developers.” The construction began in 1990 and all four homes were built by 1993. Image of Owl Creek Road near the Stapleton house just before the drop towards the airport in 1968, near the development area, taken by Joan Lane.

via:: The Aspen Times