‘Yes’ to Myrin, ‘no’ to Lift One

Please vote for Bert Myrin. He is the only current Aspen City Council candidate running for office who does not support the overdevelopment of Lift 1A.

I believe bringing the lift farther into town and a ski museum are both worthy goals. I am not against development; I am against overdevelopment. I believe we should have a hotel built; I don’t think we need two.

We are told the false narrative that World Cup ski racing won’t return unless we let them build now. The truth is, there is no guarantee, no contract that FIS racing will ever return.

The developers tell us if we don’t vote this in, they will build what they had previously approved and we will never get the lift lower. The truth is, their previous approval was for less square footage, fewer hotel rooms, one less free-market condo and the need to provide much, much more employee housing than they are trying to get away with now.

The developers claim that the “Gondola Plaza and Little Nell Hotel are located on land that was zoned ‘conservation.'”

Before the Little Nell Hotel was built, there was a building that housed Shlomo’s Deli and a ski shop downstairs and the Little Nell Restaurant and Bar upstairs. There has never been a building where the proposed Gorsuch Haus will sit.

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And how does a 250-car parking garage, requiring a minimum of 10,949 dump trucks to excavate, and the possibility of snow-melting Aspen Street fit in with the Canary Initiative and the award-winning Give a Flake campaign? More traffic anyone?

Vote Bert Myrin for City Council. Vote “no” for Lift One overdevelopment.

John Doyle


via:: The Aspen Times