Capsize And Holding Absence Cancel Upcoming Europe Tour Amidst Allegations Of Sexual Misconduct

Both bands have made statements.

Following an allegation of sexual misconduct against a member of Capsize, their upcoming tour of Europe with Holding Absence has been cancelled. Holding Absence’s headline tour of the UK will be going ahead without Capsize, and a replacement support act will be announced shortly.

The tour was set to commence next month in Mainland Europe. 

In a statement posted to Twitter, Capsize shared “We are aware of the accusation surfaced last night about the band. The member that has been called out has been removed from our line up. His statement is attached below. That being said, we are going to take some time to regroup and figure out how to move forward. Our upcoming tour is cancelled. We hope everyone finds their own peace.”

Nick, the member of Capsize facing the allegations, has also released a statement on Twitter, which you can read in full below:
“Last year, I had what I thought at the time was a consensual interaction with a woman, until I heard last night that she felt I had pressured her into sex. At first, I felt confused, because every interaction we had after the fact felt normal. After processing it for a moment, I understand that it is not my place to judge whether or not she felt pressured, and if there is any doubt in her mind then I must take her at her word. At this time, I feel that I need to reevaluate what I know about communication and consent, and I should not have a platform to perform music professionally. I’m so sorry for the pain I caused, and I know that I am not the victim here. There is no good way to apologize, but my regret is deep and real and I hope this is a learning moment for me. I will answer questions in my dm’s from friends. Believe survivors.”

Holding Absence have also released a statement, and have confirmed that Capsize will no longer be appearing on their album release tour next month, with a replacement being announced shortly. Read their full statement below:

“It is with deep regret that, following recent allegations that have surfaced about Capsize, we are forced to withdraw from our scheduled Mainland EU shows next month with the band. Furthermore, Capsize will no longer be performing alongside us in the UK this March.

We acknowledge that every person should be treated as innocent until proved guilty. However, we feel it would not be right for us to go ahead with these shows, knowing the upset these allegations have caused many of our fanbase.

As a band, we pride ourselves on our shows being a welcoming and inclusive space where people are able to enjoy our performance and interact with each other in a safe environment. We feel that continuing with the tour alongside Capsize would jeopardise this environment.

For us, this transcends music, and we feel is it necessary that we take these measures.

Our sincere apologies to anybody who will miss out on a show in Mainland Europe, but we hope you can respect and understand our decision. We will do our utmost to make it up to you as soon as we possibly can, and will announce a suitable replacement support act for the UK shows shortly.

Lucas, James, Ash, Chris & Scott”

via:: Rock Sound News