Former ISSUES Vocalist Michael Bohn Has A New Band, Introducing: WildHeart

“I know people are expecting me to write about what happened with ISSUES, but it’s not going to happen.” – Michael Bohn

It’s barely been a year since ISSUES parted ways with co-vocalist Michael Bohn, but he’s not spending any time dwelling on the past. 

In an exclusive chat with Rock Sound, Michael opened up about leaving ISSUES, and what we can expect from his brand new musical venture: WildHeart.

Their debut single ‘Lonely’ isn’t even out yet (it’s set for release March 01), but there’s already a buzz around these guys.

Speaking about the different musical direction that WildHeart is taking, Michael shared “Towards the end of my time in ISSUES, I wanted to do a side-project to get the style of music that WildHeart represents out of my system. This has given me the opportunity to fully do it. It’s a lot lighter sounding, at times almost like if Fall Out Boy went a bit modern country. There are so many bands in the metal scene that just hit a ceiling. I don’t want to do that, or fit into a certain bubble. It’s time for a change. We want to tour with anyone we can, go at this full-force.”

He continued “It’s music where you can drive along, wind the windows down, and just enjoy it. I know people are expecting me to write about what happened with ISSUES, but it’s not going to happen. I’m past it, moving forward 100 per cent and not looking back. There’s one song especially about starting over from square one. When you’re on a high, and then all of a sudden, you drop. You’ve got to go back to your roots and find your passion again, like when you were a teenager. That’s what WildHeart is.”

Intrigued? You should be. 

This is just a taster! Check out the full interview with Michael Bohn inside the current issue of Rock Sound- it’s available right now, worldwide from SHOP.ROCKSOUND.TV.

via:: Rock Sound News