Song You Need to Know: Weyes Blood, ‘Everyday’

“True love is making a comeback,” Weyes Blood, a.k.a. Natalie Mering, announces over jovial piano chords. In “Everyday,” the second single off her new album, Titanic Rising, Mering seesaws between inescapable loneliness and the hazards of falling in love. “Got a lot of things to clear away/Got a lot of years of bad love to make OK,” she sings optimistically, almost as if a fulfilling romantic relationship is an item to cross off a grocery list.

Mering has described the sound she aimed for on Titanic Rising as “Bob Seger meets Enya”; another apt comparison point for her expansive, swelling vocals is Karen Carpenter. “Everyday” evokes the 1970s in its blissful build up and psychedelic pop arrangement. Signs of that decade also lurk in the video, a playful take on a vintage slasher film that features Mering in mustard pants in a wooden cabin, her long, chestnut hair swinging back and forth as blood splatters on her pals.

According to Mering, “Everyday” is about modern dating — “the idea of sailing off onto your ships to nowhere to deal with all your baggage,” she’s said. In the song’s final moments, Mering beckons her lover while keeping herself grounded: “Lay down, my guy/For a short time.”

via:: Rolling Stone