This Is What Happened When Dallon Weekes Was Recognised By A Fan While Cleaning Carpets

What a story.

In the current issue of Rock Sound we caught up with iDKHOW frontman Dallon Weekes for a massive, eight page, career-spanning interview.

We cover everything iDKHOW, The Brobecks and even Dallon’s time in Panic! At The Disco

But one story sticks out the most. The time Dallon was recognised by a Panic! fan while cleaning the fan in question’s carpet. 

Speaking about the job he was working when he was asked to audition for Panic!, Dallon shared “I was cleaning carpets and it was miserable. I still have nightmares about that job. People don’t really think about how filthy carpets are. It’s just a terrible invention. I have a small story about cleaning carpets while playing in Panic! At The Disco…”

Intrigued? You really should be.

Dallon continued “So the first year that I was playing with Panic!, I was still cleaning carpets and there was an apartment complex that got flooded – the sewer system backed up – and there were about 12 different groundlevel apartments that got flooded. It was our job to go in there with hazmat suits and tear out all of this carpet and padding that was just soaked with human filth. For maybe three or four days that was what I was doing, and maybe on the third day we went into this apartment which had a teenage kid living there with magazines and posters all over the walls – Fall Out Boy, Panic!, Paramore and all the popular emo bands at the time. The family had to come unlock their apartment so we could get in there and do our job, and the whole time this 15-year-old kid is watching me. Like, ‘There’s something familiar here about this guy’, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it.

“After about an hour or so I think it clicked with him and he said, ‘Is your name Dallon?’ And I said, ‘Yeah’. He said ‘You play for Panic! At The Disco’. And I said, ‘Yeah, that’s me’. He’s like, ‘What are you doing here?!’ because he couldn’t really piece it together. The realities of the music business I guess weren’t what he thought. I’d been out with Panic! maybe two or three weeks prior to that, and now here I was in this kid’s apartment covered with piss and shit and all kinds of filth. He got me to sign a Panic! poster and wanted to take a selfie with me and all that stuff. That was kind of horrifying for me, but an interesting moment.”

What a story. 

This is just a taste- there’s eight full pages of interview content with Dallon inside the current issue of Rock Sound! Pick up your copy now from SHOP.ROCKSOUND.TV

via:: Rock Sound News