Lin-Manuel Miranda appeared on The Tonight Show to reveal his plans for a new Broadway show created by his hip-hop collective Freestyle Love Supreme. Titled Freestyle Love Supreme, the improvised show will open at the Booth Theater in September and feature an unannounced rotating cast each night.
“Before Hamilton, before In the Heights, my first time performing in New York was with a freestyle hip-hop group called Freestyle Love Supreme,” Miranda told host Jimmy Fallon. “We are coming to Broadway this fall at the Booth Theater. It’s an entirely made up Broadway show. You don’t know who’s going to show up.” He added, “I might show up one night. You don’t know what’s going to happen.”
Miranda celebrated the news by participating in a round of “Wheel of Freestyle” with Fallon. During the segment the singer faced off against The Roots’ Tarik Trotter to test out verses with unusual words, which this time included “Daenerys Targaryen,” “seared salmon” and “Pikachu.”
The group Freestyle Love Supreme, created by Miranda, Thomas Kail and Anthony Veneziale, has been around since 2004 and has recently did a run Off Broadway. Hamilton stars Christopher Jackson and Daveed Diggs have appeared onstage with the group in the past, suggesting that several regular Miranda collaborators may show up at the Broadway shows.
Freestyle Love Supreme. On Broadway this fall. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ #FLS
— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin_Manuel) June 19, 2019
“Fifteen years ago, when Freestyle Love Supreme was first developed, the idea of bringing our little improv show to Broadway seemed completely out of the realm of possibility,” said Kail and Miranda in a statement to Playbill. “But it is out of that improbability that FLS has found this new home, thanks to legions of loyal fans—first at Ars Nova, at various festivals around the world, then with one-off shows, and most recently with our off-Broadway run last winter. We’ve had many of our happiest and most fulfilling creative moments working on FLS and are excited to see its next chapter unfold at the Booth Theatre. It is a show that consistently surprises us: we have no idea what to expect any time we do it— and isn’t that the true beauty of live theater? Freestyle Love Supreme wouldn’t want or have it any other way!”
Previews for Freestyle Love Supreme, which is directed by Kali, begin September 13th, with the opening night to take place October 2nd. The show is scheduled for a 16-week run, currently concluding in January. Tickets go on sale to American Express holders June 21st and to the general public July 9th.