What is GOING ON?
We’re now halfway through January, and All Time Low are still being cryptic, and still teasing us.
This afternoon they’ve rolled their third teaser – following the first one that was posted on January 01, and the video posted this time last week.
Today’s teaser follows directly on from where they left off their teasing last week, which was a short video of All Time Low’s first logo, transitioning to their ‘Future Hearts’-era logo, before fading to black. This video starts off with their ‘Future Hearts’-era logo, transitioning to their most recent logo iteration, before once again fading to black.
011520.mp4 pic.twitter.com/X2IueKKcFo
— All Time Low (@AllTimeLow) January 15, 2020
With these two teasers being shared one week apart, could All Time Low be setting us up for the reveal of the logo of their new era this time next week? Is that what they’re telling us?
Fingers crossed!