All Coloradans asked to wear cloth-based face coverings when they leave home

Monica Mull and Kelly Williams, with LIFT-UP, wear homemade masks as they distribute food Wednesday at the Garfield County Fairgrounds in Rifle. Many residents are sewing their own masks as a percaution against COVID-19.

CENTENNIAL — Gov. Jared Polis on Friday asked all Coloradans to begin wearing masks when they leave home to prevent further spread of the new coronavirus.

Polis said at a news conference at the state’s Emergency Operations Center that people should wash their masks after every trip out of their homes. He said people should use cloth-based, non-medical masks.

He encouraged people to make them out of items in their homes, including old T-shirts and scarves.

“This is really going to be, for the foreseeable future, an important part of our culture in Colorado,” he said, putting on a mask of his own. “Get out those old T-shirts. Get it out of the bottom of your drawer.”

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via:: Post Independent