Annual bee college swarms Garfield County

Silt beekeeper Paul Limbach gives a demonstration at last year’s bee college.

The Colorado Beekeepers Association, or CSBA, will be hosting its Summer Bee College at the Garfield County Fairgrounds this weekend, which will feature three days of speakers and a variety of hands-on learning experiences. 

Peach Valley resident and CSBA president Ed Colby said this year’s speakers will include no-till farming advocate and bee scientist Dr. Jonathan Lundgren, who will address some of the modern issues facing the beekeeping industry. 

A former USDA senior scientist Lundgren will give two presentations over the weekend. One will focus on modern farming practices such as crop rotation, cover crops and no-till farming, which can encourage natural predators and reduce the need for pesticides and herbicides, said Colby.

He believes inappropriate application of some agricultural pesticides sets the stage for honey bee colony collapse from Varroa mite infestation. 

His first talk will focus on the problem. The second half will focus on solutions. 

Saturday at the Garfield County Fairgrounds will be the big day for those trying to learn more about beekeeping as there will be an experts panel, Lundgren’s talk and a presentation on federally subsidized drought insurance, according to the website.

The Colorado State Beekeepers Association Summer Bee College is geared to provide practical, up-to-date information on beekeeping for lifelong commercial beekeepers, as well as beginning backyard enthusiasts, according to the press release. 

The weekend kicks off with a Friday night potluck in New Castle. 

Silt commercial beekeeper Paul Limbach will also be demonstrating how to identify common bee disease. Later he will be on a open question panel with other veteran beekeepers. 

For preregistration discount and all the details on CSBA’s fun-filled educational weekend, visit or call Ed Colby at 970-355-5256.

via:: Post Independent