Annual notice to all city of Rifle residents and property owners

Rifle Citizen Telegram flag graphic

Owners of property within Rifle city limits, having received a notice or not, are responsible for cutting and removing cuttings for:

• Weeds, dead or alive, over eight inches in height, as well as puncture vine (goat heads), regardless of height

• Weeds to the centerline of the alley and between the property line and the curb or edge of the road

• Weeds between yard fence and roadway/sidewalk

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• Removal of all cut vegetation/grass clippings

• Vacant land/lots, owners are required to remove weeds and keep weeds below 8 inches

Weed abatement program begins May 1. If a violation is found, a notice of violation will be issued for voluntary compliance with no fine. If the weeds are not cut and removed, a citation will be issued and a fine assessed. If the violation is not corrected, the weeds and or rubbish will be abated at the property owner’s expense.

For more information go to: or contact Code Enforcement with questions at 970-665-6500.

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via:: Post Independent