Basalt wants Colorado Parks and Wildlife to restore leaky Lake Christine


The Basalt Town Council held a work session Tuesday night to hash out its 2020 Work Plan — projects it wants to complete or policies it wants to adopt. The goals fell into the areas of community, built environment, local economy and environment. Following are some of the highlights:

• Objective: Advance and support development that fosters social and economic vitality in Basalt’s core.

Tasks — Initiate discussions with stakeholders in Basalt Center Circle to advance an integrated plan for the revitalization and development of downtown.

Re-evaluate the town-owned affordable housing program and determine how to enhance it, including participation in regional housing solutions.

• Objective: Promote responsible, resilient development that anticipates climate change and other threats, and protects the safety and security of all town residents.

Tasks — Consult with government agencies and nonprofit to advance resiliency measures, including protection of water quality and water quantity for the town.

Pursue building code changes that require-ready solutions on new residential construction.

• Objective: Identify and implement projects that will reduce energy consumption.

Tasks — Work with experts to create baseline greenhouse emissions data that can be used to benchmark progress over time.

Begin implementation of energy-reducing measures for the town’s largest energy consuming facilities.

• Advance energy and communications solutions that better connect Basalt to markets and distinguish the town as an innovator that attracts knowledge and ideas-based profit and nonprofit organizations.

Tasks — Support local businesses by encouraging communications and broadband solutions that provide stable and higher-capacity telecommunications access that local enterprises need to growth and flourish.

Distinguish Basalt as a leader in the adoption of energy, transport and communications solutions, in part by working with organizations such as Holy Cross Energy and Rocky Mountain Institute.

via:: Post Independent