Bike Advocates column: Friday Bike to Work Day is a chance to try another way

Glenwood Springs bicyclists will celebrate National Bike to Work Day this Friday, May 17. Riders will be greeted with breakfast refreshments, cyclist gifts, bicycle check-ups, and plenty of information for making bicycling a regular, safe, enjoyable habit.

The event begins at 7 a.m. Friday at River Blend Coffee House, 402 Seventh St. downtown. Treats and cheering for riders will continue until 8:30.

Perfect bicycling weather is predicted for Friday — clouds and pleasant temperatures 50 to 65 degrees. There is a slight chance of rain in the afternoon, so take along your raincoat and perhaps a cover for your saddle

Earlier this week, some 300 local elementary school students rode their bicycles to school as part of the bike-walk-bus day organized by CLEER and the schools. Friday is the opportunity for the rest of us to show that we can keep up.

Glenwood Springs is uniquely accessible for bicycling, with an extensive network of travel-ways, pleasant weather, mostly flat terrain and courteous drivers.

Use the River Trail, Rio Grande Trail, West Midland Path, newly repaired 6&24 path, bike lanes on Blake and Pitkin, and other popular routes to get your destination.

Our town is an ideal setting for riding to work, school, shopping, meetings, errands and other practical trips in an easy, invigorating, affordable way — typically simpler and safer than navigating motor traffic and parking a car.

Try Bike to Work this Friday, and you likely will want to do it again.

Enjoy your ride.

Join Glenwood Springs Bicycle Advocates in riding and promoting local bicycle use. For more information, call 618-8264, or write

via:: Post Independent