Carbondale Trustees confirm Kirk Wilson as new police chief

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It’s official. Kirk Wilson, who has been with the Rifle Police Department since 2002, is to be the new chief of police in Carbondale.

The Carbondale Board of Trustees, meeting Tuesday night via Zoom conference, unanimously approved Wilson’s hiring, at the recommendation of Town Manager Jay Harrington.

Harrington last week formally offered the position to Wilson, currently a sergeant with the Rifle PD, and Wilson accepted.  

Wilson is due to begin in Carbondale on June 1, and will overlap with longtime Police Chief Gene Schilling through the summer. Wilson is to take the helm for good in late September, when Schilling is set to retire.

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“This is an incredible opportunity to come join the Carbondale Police Department and the town of Carbondale … and I’m excited to get up there and get going,” Wilson said during the town trustees meeting.

Wilson currently lives in Rifle, but said he and his wife are looking at homes in Carbondale and he intends to live in the town where he will be chief.

Mayor Dan Richardson said he appreciated that, and had hoped that would be the case.

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via:: Post Independent