Carbondale trustees to consider face coverings requirement at Tuesday meeting

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The town of Carbondale could join neighboring municipalities in requiring face coverings while visiting local businesses, as part of the town’s effort to prevent spreading the coronavirus.

Carbondale’s Board of Trustees is set to consider an emergency ordinance during its regular Tuesday night meeting, which is being conducted via video conference.

The draft ordinance is similar to Basalt’s, requiring people to don a face mask or other type of face covering upon entering and while inside businesses, Mayor Dan Richardson said.

It would not go so far as to mandate face coverings in outdoor settings, such as a public sidewalk or path, as long as safe social distancing can be maintained.

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Recently, the town’s special emergency task force launched its “Mask On, Carbondale!” campaign, which urges people to wear a mask in public, without going so far as requiring it. But some residents and trustees want to make it a requirement.

“To be perfectly honest, my thought all along was that an education and encouragement campaign would be more effective than a requirement,” Richardson said. “What we’re trying to do is get those who are less inclined to wear a mask to do so.”

Some town board members also wanted Carbondale to be consistent with the other Roaring Fork Valley communities, all of which have adopted ordinances requiring face coverings.

“Whether we pass this or not, it’s good to have the discussion,” Richardson said.

The proposed ordinance is expected to come up toward the end of the trustees’ agenda. The meeting begins at 6 p.m. For the Zoom meeting link and to be put on the list to provide comment, contact Carbondale Town Clerk Cathy Derby via email at

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via:: Post Independent