Chamber ambassadors offer three scholarships

The Western Garfield County Chamber Ambassadors, a group of volunteers who serve as a goodwill organization to Your Western Garfield County Chamber of Commerce, is offering three scholarships to graduating high school students in the area. 

The ambassadors welcome new businesses, help greet new owners and managers, attend grand openings, conduct ribbon-cutting ceremonies and assist with other events deemed beneficial to the chamber membership.

Guidelines for scholarships:

• Three scholarships of $1,000 each are available and open to graduating seniors who reside in the following ZIP codes: 81560, 81635 or 81652; and/or attend K-12 public online, Liberty Classical Academy, Grand Valley, Rifle or Coal Ridge high schools.

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• Funds may be used for a two-year or four-year college, as well as for any vocational or technical institute.

• Students are required to provide the ambassadors with any information necessary to send funds directly to the school of their choice.

• The Ambassadors Scholarship Committee will interview finalists the first few weeks in May.

For more information, go to the Western Garfield County Chamber Ambassadors Facebook page or call the chamber office at 970-625-2085.

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via:: Post Independent