Community Letters

Bruno Kirchenwitz needs help with liver transplant costs

I am writing this letter about my father-in-law, Bruno Kirchenwitz.

I know not everyone has agreed with his opinions over the years, and there are a few that he has downright pissed off, but this is on a different subject.

Very few know this but Bruno has been on home dialysis for over nine years and has finally been given the chance to get on the kidney transplant list.

As a family this is a huge deal for us as we help him three to four times a week to get his dialysis treatments done so he can just stay healthy and alive.

Unfortunately his health coverage doesn’t help with any aftercare; we have to raise all the funds for this, including a place to stay for four to six weeks in Aurora, all meals and transportation to and from UC Health three to four times a week to make sure the kidney is working properly.

I am just asking for a little help for a longtime local character that would be amazing for his entire family. Any help is greatly appreciated.

The Go Fund Me is called Bruno Kirchenwitz Kidney Transplant Fund or there is also a bank account at 1st Bank with the same name.

Thanks again.

Stephanie Kirchenwitz


via:: Post Independent