Construction update for June 2020

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The city of Rifle is slated to start several projects which will begin this month and carry through the summer.

Waterproofing project: The Ute Theater Foundation will dig up the existing foundation of the Ute Theater and waterproof the concrete to stop leaks. High ground water levels in the past have caused drywall and carpet damage in the Ute Theater. The project funded by a Garfield County Federal Mineral Lease Grant will stop continuous repair of the changing rooms within the theater, and will be completed by mid-June.

Road rebuilding and pedestrian improvements: A rebuilding project will improve the failing Fravert Boulevard and West Fifth to Fairway Avenue. A continuous sidewalk will be added up the hill to Fairway Avenue to provide a safe pedestrian corridor.  The project will begin mid-June and continue throughout the summer; 60% of this project’s funding came from the Garfield County Mineral Lease Grant.

Decking replacement: The metal decking below the sidewalks on the 16th Street Bridge has corroded and is going to be replaced. The new decking will receive waterproofing to ensure this failure does not occur again. This project will require closure of the sidewalks and temporary one lane traffic during construction. The project will take place in late summer.

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Bridge closure: The Centennial Parkway Bridge is the old U.S. Highway 6 Bridge crossing Rifle Creek. The bridge was constructed circa 1958 and the decking is in need of replacement. The project will require closure of the bridge while being replaced. Residential traffic will use West Second Street and commercial truck traffic will use I-70.

Parklet construction: The city of Rifle is working  with contractors to build outdoor patios for all restaurants on Third Street. The city is also working with the Rifle Regional Economic Development Corporation and restaurants that have private parking to provide outdoor seating. Building of the downtown patios began last week and will take approximately two weeks to complete.

Crack sealing: The city of Rifle will be crack sealing all roads in need over the next 3-5 years. This year will address roads in north and south Rifle in the fall. A project map can be seen at

Pipe repair: City crews are currently digging to locate a failed storm sewer pipe on West Third Street. The repair may extend into August. 

For updated information on all city matters, please go to or the city of Rifle  Facebook and Twitter pages.

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via:: Post Independent