Crime Briefs: Not going down without a fight

On June 9, just after 6:30 p.m., Parachute police received a call about an intoxicated male.

He had reportedly been seen at the corner of Colorado Ave and Cardinal Way and was walking with a bicycle.

There were reports that the male was laying on the ground and being combative, according to the arrest affidavit.

When police arrived he was reportedly laying on the ground next to a bicycle in the roadway on Cardinal Way.

He was unsteady on his feet and was slurring his speech when police approached, states the arrest affidavit.

He told the officer he was fine and could walk better than the officer could. He also made aggressive statements toward the officer indicating he wanted to fight, states the affidavit.

When the officer attempted to detain him “he attempted to pull away” and “swung” at the officer. He knocked the officer’s sunglasses off, states the affidavit.

The officer said he then used his taser to subdue the suspect, discharging two cartridges after the first one failed to make contact.

The suspect, 64, was said to have had multiple violent encounters with law enforcement in his past and had a protection order not to possess or consume alcoholic beverages or controlled substances.

Upon arrival at the jail he was refused for booking due to his highly intoxicated state as he required assistance walking. He blew a .21 at the jail and was charged with second degree assault, among other charges.

Marijuana ticket turns into felony

On June 2, just before 6:23 p.m., Rifle police were dispatched after a report of two homeless males fighting with each other outside Little Caesar’s Pizza.

Dispatch received a second report from the Starbucks next door that another individual was threatened by two homeless males outside the store.

Upon a search of the area, a Rifle police officer found two males reportedly smoking marijuana out of a pipe.

One of the males, 63, was under arrest for having an open container of marijuana. The suspect struggled while he was being detained, according to the arrest affidavit.

As one of the officers was walking with the suspect, he fell to the ground and took the officer with him, landing mostly on the officer’s right side.

The fall left marks and bruising on the officer’s side, states the affidavit. The other officer reportedly believed the suspect fell on her intentionally.

The suspect was placed in the back of the patrol car.

Once in the car, one of the officers attempted to buckle his seatbelt. The suspect reportedly spit in his face .

He continued to be verbally aggressive and uncooperative through his time in custody, states the affidavit.

He was arrested for second degree assault on a peace officer, resisting arrest and other charges.

Suspect burglarizes parents’ home

On June 7, officers responded to a burglary at a residence in Parachute.

The reporting party said that on the day prior, in the early afternoon, his house had been burglarized and numerous items from inside were missing.

The reporting party and his wife left at around 1 p.m. the day before and said they locked the door. When they returned, the door was reportedly unlocked.

They saw that multiple items were missing from the home and believed their son to be the culprit, according to the arrest affidavit. He said his son had stolen items from the house before and was reportedly addicted to methamphetamine.

Among the items missing, approximately $40.00 in change had been taken from two separate cookie jars. The same thing had happened several months prior.

There was also a pistol that was reported to be missing.

The next day, police responded to a suspicious vehicle reported in Parachute.

Police pulled behind the vehicle, which was parked along the road in Parachute, and approached the driver.

He saw that the suspect in the robbery was sitting in the passenger seat.

The officer began to question the suspect, who said he did not steal anything and had been in Grand Junction for the past two weeks. The officer responded that another officer had seen him in Rifle yesterday, states the affidavit.

The suspect, 20, denied he was in Rifle and asked to file harassment charges on his parents. There was a backpack in the back of the car that both the driver and the suspect denied being theirs.

The officer searched the bag after receiving consent to do so from the driver and found the pistol that was reportedly missing from the residence.

Other missing items were also found in the bag as well.

The suspect was placed under arrest and he was charged with first degree criminal trespass, second degree burglary among other charges, according to the affidavit.

via:: Post Independent