Families In Action to discuss communicating at home

Imagine a home free of strife, where words flowed and communication felt breezy. Well, a solid home life, free from judgment and anxiety and inclusive of open, honest dia-logue, doesn’t have to be a dream. Eagle River Youth Coalition (ERYC) is offering a one-day Families In Action (FIA) class that is designed to help families with hot-button topics that can cause resentment at home.

Families In Action is an evidence-based curriculum designed to help tweens, teens and parents learn how to have a more satisfying home.

“Families In Action puts the parent and child on the same page so they can work on tough issues together and have an understanding of what each other’s goals are,” said Carol Johnson, ERYC’s community education manager in a press release.

While the two-generational approach is proven to be effective, the unique part of FIA is that the generations learn separately but come together to share what they’ve learned, ultimately creating a more harmonious home.

Topics that are covered in-depth include communication, conflict resolution, responsibil-ity, drugs, sex and violence. Tips and techniques are worked on so participants feel con-fident taking what they learned home and actually implementing the strategies.

How It Works

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There are four classrooms set aside for this one-day workshop. The teachers are trained in this program and will deliver the curriculum while fostering discussion. There is a classroom for Spanish-language adults, English-language adults and another for teens and tweens.

“FIA supports parents in their journey to be better parents by teaching skills for active communication, active problem solving, and active presence in their tweens’ life, while maintaining mutual respect,” said Sandy Schroeder, family educator in the release. “The best part: tweens receive the same instruction, but from the tween perspective. Truly, an amazing experience.”

Parenting styles will be discussed in the adult classroom, while in the youth rooms, communication, and how to ensure it’s effective, will be a key topic.

Children as young as ten are welcome to participate in this workshop. Those younger than ten can participate in childcare.

This workshop will start at 8:30 a.m. for the morning session. Lunch will be provided be-fore the groups head into an afternoon session.

In a nutshell, during this workshop, parents will learn what type of parent they want to become. The curriculum teaches the difference between being an active parent and be-ing uninvolved.

The learning doesn’t end at 4 p.m., nor does it end at home. This year, ERYC will pro-vide each family a follow up, one-hour, one-on-one session to answer questions and continue to facilitate the family’s growth.

As an added bonus, ERYC’s annual Summer Camp Expo will be taking place during FIC. This annual event helps connect parents with summer camp offerings. New this year, companies that provide internships and jobs for teenagers will also attend, as well as community organizations.

Preregistration for FIA is required; email cjohnson@eagleyouth.org by Sunday, March 31, to be part of this learning opportunity. Childcare and lunch is provided, and the Summer Camp Expo is free and open to the public.

If You Go …

What: Families in Action.

When: Saturday, April 6, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Where: Eagle Valley Middle School.

Cost: $50.

More information: http://www.eagleyouth.org.

via:: Vail Daily