Friday letters: Democrats, Carbondale trustees, Fire District, and scissors

Criminals are hiding behind Democratic party

On the evolutionary spectrum, Republicans are just beyond the hunter/gatherer stage. Democrats are more evolved and have moved into a more cerebral realm. It’s more or less a ticket to superiority to be the thinkers, but to be a Democrat isn’t a moral license. Criminals are hiding behind the party. In the self-righteous remnants, crime within is overlooked. “We are Democrats!” I’m one too, and I’m calling you out.

Pardon the bad pun, but Joe Biden is the elephant in the room. Yes, good old Joe.

Let’s say that Trump threatened other countries to do his bidding and selling out the United States. He wouldn’t be president. Oh, did he say he could shoot someone and get away with it? Not likely. The difference is that Democrats only run a front man. The person in office is just a figurehead, much like the queen or king of England, the real work is behind the scenes.

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So that’s why Barack Obama worked out. That’s why Joe Biden will work. They are placeholders. NSA, CIA, FBI are all running the show. As long as the president follows along, everything is cool. That’s why double standards work, especially when the media head’s hands are greased. CNN and MSNBC find the coverage profitable… not the loss-leader news coverage once was. For as kinky a start as FOX News began, its coverage is now a good counterpoint to demented reporting, not only from these networks, but major newspapers as well.

That’s what we’ve been going through for the last almost four years. It’s ingenuous to think that being a Democrat is an entitlement, and then beat the other side to death with double standards. I don’t think FDR would approve.

Fred Stewart,
Grand Junction

Carbondale should act now, not when coronavirus numbers go up

Don’t be indecisive. It seems like Carbondale trustees don’t want to make mask wearing in public places mandatory. We are going into the season where many second homeowners and Front Range visitors are beginning to return. Any plans to check their temperature? Gunnison County and others counties are putting regulations in place to protect their citizens, like not letting visitors stop or stay in their county.

Please trustees, we know Garfield County commissioners won’t do much to protect us, but you can! Humbly, I ask, don’t be like the governor of South Dakota. Listen and learn from the experts — people who are dealing with high numbers. Act now, not when the numbers go up here. Anything we can do to hasten the opening of businesses and festivals is good. We will all be grateful we weren’t indecisive, but acted.

John Busscher,

Don’t give Fire District blank check to raise funding annually

I received my ballot for the Colorado Fire Protection District and their request for additional funding. I am not opposed to giving them the first year requested amount, as I do believe they need the additional funding.

However, with the wording in the proposal allowing them to increase the funding annually with only an independent audit, I cannot find a way to vote for the proposal. I don’t feel that it is appropriate to give them a blank check to continue to raise the funding annually without coming back to the voters.

Cliff Dick,

The scissors and the damage done

Being sequestered at home presents many opportunities to learn new skills. For instance, today I taught myself how to cut my own hair. Tomorrow’s lesson: Teach myself how to shave my head.

JM Jesse
Glenwood Springs

via:: Post Independent